Thursday, September 27, 2012

Butter London Mail, Extras, and More!

Guess what I got today?!

I finally received my Butter London nail polishes!

Keep on reading to see which ones I got & more =]

These are the Butter London nail polishes that finally arrived today!

I ordered it off this site called Coterie*, which is described as "an exclusive, members-only site featuring an ultra-selective collection of the newest and most sought-after beauty products. In collaboration with top makeup artists, stylists and industry trendsetters, Coterie provides the woman on-the-go access to everything she needs to know, all in one place."

These are no longer in stock but I would love to show you guys what I received.

My Butter London package included 6 nail polishes and 2 top coats:
-Hardwear P.D. Quick Topcoat
-West End Wonderland (1)
-All Hail the Queen
-Matte Finish Shine Free Topcoat
-West End Wonderland (2)
-Pillar Box Red

I paid only $23.96 for all it! =]

Top: West End Wonderland
Bottom: All Hail the Queen

I already own All Hail the Queen and you can see my review and swatch here. It's such a gorgeous shade and it's definitely one of my favorites.

So, as you can tell... I have an extra nail polish of All Hail the Queen and West End Wonderland ;)

Anyways... here's my Butter London Nail Polish Collection!
It's small but surely growing at a very slow pace.

My Butter London Collection:
-Hardwear P.D. Quick Topcoat
-Pillar Box Red
-West End Wonderland
-Victoriana (Paid $7.90)
-Matte Finish Shine Free Topcoat
-All Hail the Queen (Paid $7.90)

Do you own any Butter London nail polish? If so, which is your favorite one? If not, which shade are you interested in?

Thanks for reading! :]

(*Referral Link)


  1. I didn't order from this since I didn't like the colors too much. Although it's a good deal, a girl has to save what she can for school -___-.. lol. My favorite is Big Smoke though. I have it & love it!

  2. Hi Vicky, thanks for commenting on my page. I agree, these are some good colors. And as I got them free as a part of the initial Coterie promotion, it was even better, LOL!

    1. YOU GOT THEM FOR FREE?!?! how awesome!!! you're so lucky :) i had to pay but it wasn't that bad to be honest.

  3. Those polishes are so pretty! Have you tried any of them out yet?

    1. mmm not yet but I'll post a review when I get the chance :)

  4. 23.96? for all those polishes? did i read that correctly?
    all hail the queen looks really pretty! so does the one on top of it, and the one on the left of it! :)

    1. yes you read that correctly!

      all hail the queen is one of my favorites! :) knackered and victoriana is pretty also.
